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Matthew Haberstro

The Ukraine-Russia war has been going on since 2014 and has had a devastating impact on millions of

people. The conflict is rooted in a long history of tension between the two countries, with many

Ukrainians feeling that Russia has diminished their autonomy for too long.

Despite this situation, there is something remarkable about the resilience of Christian faith in Ukraine.

Many Ukrainians have turned to their faith as the source of strength during these difficult times. They

find solace in passages from scripture like Matthew 25:34-40 which says, “Then the King will say to those

on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for

you since the creation of the world…” Here, Jesus encourages us to take care of those who are less

fortunate than us, and this is something that many Ukrainians have embraced as they strive to help one

another despite the difficult conditions.

These stories of compassion and selflessness in the midst of turmoil remind us of the power of love.

They remind us that even amidst a terrible war, if we band together and show kindness towards others,

it is possible to make a positive difference in people’s lives. As Christians, let us live out these words

from Matthew 25:34-40 and be inspired by our Ukrainian brothers and sisters as they show us what it

means to truly love one another.

The Ukraine-Russia War has caused immense suffering for millions but amidst the darkness, faith has

endured. Christians in Ukraine have turned to scripture as a source of strength and hope and have

exemplified Jesus’ teaching of loving one another during difficult times. Let us remember their inspiring

example and continue to show love to those around us.



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